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Love and family? #MFRWhooks

Love and family? #MFRWhooks

5 Star Review

Candace H. "Dexter and Molly met when he went to her house to talk with her about a proposed addition. She noticed his unhappiness wanting to make him smile. While they got to know each other, little did they know they were working on a budding relationship and future."



Embittered by divorce, Dexter Carson resolves to live without romantic love or a family of his own. When he arrives at a job site, the last thing he expects is his instant attraction to the ebony-haired client. But work comes first, and he's determined to maintain a professional distance, no matter how his body reacts to her soft scent and feminine curves.

Beautiful and intelligent, Molly Crosby has always doubted a man would love her, and now that she's forced to care for her infant niece, all hope for a man who will cherish her seems lost. But when she meets Dexter, she longs to discover what's behind the rugged contractor’s solemn demeanor, and to win more of his  devastating smiles. 


When a bombshell threatens the tender relationship that’s developing, will Molly's love be enough to overcome the scars from his past, or will Dexter walk away from his only chance at love and family? 

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They sat in a back booth with the baby in the corner next to Dexter. From the moment they sat down, Molly had managed to keep Dexter talking about his life, and he’d managed to keep her laughing. 


“I can’t believe how much we have in common.” She dabbed at her eyes with her napkin. “It’s like we’re soul mates.” 


He grudgingly had to agree with her. “You are so down-to-earth.” 


Reaching over, she snagged a tortilla chip and scooped up a generous portion of the homemade spicy salsa. “You expected me to be more prissy?” 


He’d gone this far, might as well finish eating his shoe. “Yeah, actually. Be careful, that salsa’s really hot.” 


She coughed and sputtered. Tears streamed down her cheeks while she fanned her mouth. “Hot is not the word for it.” 


“Try this.” He offered her a section of lime, then pushed her glass of water toward her. “I tried to warn you.” 


She sipped her water. After a moment she sat back, a wide grin on her face. “I like spicy.” She reached for another chip. 


Amusement curved his lips when she went through the same antics again, this time without the coughing. As long as the heat made her happy. On impulse, he placed his hand over hers, again surprised at the softness of her skin. With his thumb he drew lazy circles on the back of her hand. “I like you, Molly. I really do.” 

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In Love with ‘Seducing His Wife’ by Lynn Chantale #MFRWhooks

In Love with ‘Seducing His Wife’ by Lynn Chantale #MFRWhooks


"I absolutely loved this book, I have a lot of books and have read a lot and every so often I take a long break after reading one before I read another but this just made me think why do I ever stop reading for a long period of time because when I do I miss out on romantic novels like this one I don't intend on going long with out reading again especially if it involve the characters from this book especially Matt he is sooooo romantic and for me it was the perfect love story for husband and wife!

I'm very happy it didn't fit the baby daddy baby momma statistics like other books it was about a successful Africa American couple who was married hit a bump in the road but let their love conquer it and I loved it especially being married it gives me hope! 🙂

Buy it and read it!!!"


5 Star Review by Shonte "Love, love, love!!!!" Amazon


Haunted by nightmares, Sheridan Sinclair just wants to get through one night without reliving the terrible accident that led to her miscarriage. And she longs for the arms of the man who betrayed her. Matthew Sinclair has always loved his wife, but when she refuses to speak to him after her accident, he's left to wonder what went wrong. When a stolen kiss ignites their forgotten passion, he'll use their love as a means to get her home and in his bed again.


Will a husband’s plan of seduction be enough to heal a wife’s broken heart?


"Indulge Your Inner Romantic"


Sheridan laid her needlepoint on her lap and picked up the phone on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Did I wake you?” The rich timbre of Matthew’s baritone voice sent tingles down her spine.

She wiggled her toes in excitement. He actually called. “No. I couldn’t sleep.”

“You have a moment?”

“Yeah.” She picked up her needlepoint again, cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear.

“I’m working on a presentation, and I haven’t found my attention-getter.”

“What’s it about?”

“Employee turnover.”

“Start with the amount of money a company loses each time they have to train someone who doesn’t stay for more than ninety days.”

He chuckled. “That’s not really why I called.”

“I know. You’ve had your presentation done for weeks, but I’m glad you called, anyway.”


She swallowed hard. She hadn’t meant to admit she was glad to hear from him, but the words had already been said, and she wasn’t prepared to lie to him. “Yes.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve made my decision.”


“I’ll do what you ask on one condition.”

“I’m listening.”

“Don’t ever ask me why I left.”

He remained silent for so long she pulled the phone from her ear and checked the display screen to make sure he hadn’t disconnected the call.

“But…” He fell silent again. “Fine. I’ll agree if you share the same bed with me. We’re not doing separate rooms and all that crap.”

She almost laughed. “What is this, quid pro quo?”

“I get what I want, and you get what you want. What’s the harm in that?”

At the moment, she couldn’t see any harm. All that mattered was he not ask her again why she left. “None, I guess. What time?”

“Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?”

“All right.”

“I’ll drop the keys off at the store before I go to work. What time will you be there?”

“Any time after six. I have inventory,” she responded.

“So early? And here I am keeping you awake. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” She would’ve been up anyway, and she enjoyed talking to him, despite everything. “I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight. Oh, and Sheridan?”



The line went dead. Sheridan slowly returned the phone to the cradle and turned the ringer off. The soft smile she wore moments ago faded. She was going back home. She clasped a hand over her pounding heart. What had she agreed to? Panic seized her and shook her hard. She and Matthew would be in the same bed. Had she lost her mind? She breathed deep.

The situation wasn’t permanent. She was merely helping Carolyn so she could get Sean back as quickly as possible. The thought steadied her. And speaking of Carolyn…

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The Baker’s Touch #MFRWHooks

The Baker’s Touch #MFRWHooks

Valentine’s is always a busy time of year for PB and J Bakery.

With love fueling the need for sweet confections, there’s always room for romance. Even the anonymous gifts left for Penelope, by a secret admirer, are a welcome distraction from the chaos of chocolate and spongecake.

Penelope Bishop has an idea who’s sending the gifts, or at least she hopes it’s her sexy mystery man who stole a kiss on New Year’s Eve. The trouble is, she’s never seen him. Her only clues are dancing skills, a great pair of lips, and a sensual voice that haunts her dreams and every waking fantasy. All that pales when her assistant, Avery, inspires those same lustful thoughts.

Avery has loved Penelope from afar, but with her recent breakup, he doubts she’ll view him beyond the current role he has in her life...seeing eye person. He has one chance to woo a woman who defines her world through touch, scent, sound, and taste--think outside the dating box. When an old flame comes courting and makes Penelope an offer she just may accept, Avery has one last opportunity to make her his Valentine...he’ll have to bare all.

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Excerpt Chapter One

A small throng of people gathered in the wide tiled foyer. The distant chatter of conversation mingled with the soft music and the occasional burst of laughter.

Mr. VIP eyed the small group of people with some hostility. Look at them. So successful and happy at this New Year’s Eve gathering. How dare they be happy when I am struggling. He clenched his hands at the thought.

Didn’t they know his world was falling apart? Didn’t they know he was suffering? Or were they too wrapped up in their own relationships and businesses to notice he had withdrawn more than usual?

They were supposed to be his friends, his colleagues, his support system.

And not one of them noticed.

No. Not when he had stopped bringing his wife around. Nor when he no longer hosted any social gatherings at his home. They hadn’t even noticed he no longer discussed his business, his passion.

They hadn’t noticed anything.

Breathing deep, allowing the rising anger to swell and dissipate enough, he unclenched his hands and exhaled. Once more, he was the calm collected man they all knew him to be.

“Has the rest of our group arrived?” said Abigail Anderson. She held the handle of a large attentive but aging yellow, English Labrador retriever named Percy.

“I think we’re still waiting on Penelope.”

“Let me grab a quick picture before we move,” Geneva Martin said. She walked a few steps away, her heels clicking on the polished floor. “I can’t believe I’m getting a chance to be here,” Geneva gushed. “My mom always described the lobby as classy. You know, lots of marble and crystal chandeliers.” Her words were punctuated with a feminine voice as she rapidly instructed the person with the camera to tilt the cameral left, then right. Then the soft click of a shutter snapping followed, echoing off the high ceilings. “I can’t wait to post these on my website.”

Click Covers Below To Read More 

When one is blind trust is important, but who can you trust when someone is trying to kill you? 

Wealthy, blind and grieving, Amelia Hastings-Bedford would gladly give away her fortune if it would bring back her beloved, Joshua. Knowing her money can’t, she forges into a marriage of convenience with Gareth, family friend and law partner.

Gareth Bedford knows two things; someone is trying to kill Amelia and someone is embezzling company funds. Gareth does all he can to protect Amelia from her enemies., but doing so places him in the crosshairs.

When a family member’s action creates tragic consequences only one thing can save Amelia. Joshua.


Geneva Martin enjoys photography and has earned quite a reputation for her prints. Armed with an ordinary smartphone, Geneva captures the world around her. What’s amazing is she can’t see.

Serefina Gellar has idolized Geneva from afar. When she gets the opportunity to meet Geneva, Serefina realizes she wants to be Geneva and will do anything to achieve that goal.

Geneva doesn’t realize she now has a stalker. However, after taking a random photo, Geneva also becomes a killer’s target.

Stalker. Killer. It’s just a matter of time before one of them gets to her first.


There’s a crazed killer on the loose and part-time pro wrestler/full-time private investigator Swift Time fears this case just might be his last.


Luckily this PI has an advantage in the ring and when it comes to tracking down fugitives: he's got a touch of ESP and he's not afraid to use it. Swift Time has no problem utilizing his unique skill to find a missing person, solve a murder, or bring in the bad guy but when it comes to his affection for successful bar owner Abigal Alexander, his power is useless.


While their love blooms, bodies are stacking up and only Swift Time can put a stop to it. With his wrestling career and new relationship hanging in the balance, can he protect Abigail while tracking down the relentless murderer? Or will he lose everything because he neglected his supernatural ability to see it all coming?


Samson “Stx” Denver had a fabulous life until a careless mistake robs him of his sight. Angry and bitter, the last thing Stx wants is a relationship. No matter how much he shoves away the woman with the siren’s voice, the more she gets in his head and heart.


August “Sol” River knows what it’s like to have one’s world rip apart. She, too, is visually impaired, but she has to put away her personal feelings in order to raise a child that isn’t hers.


The heart wants what the heart wants. Neither can deny the attraction or love, but will their love be enough to overcome their personal challenges?

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