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Tag Archives: Lynn Chantale Williams

VIBE series 30% Off

VIBE series 30% Off

VIBE Steamy Romance Series 30% Off at

4 Horsemen Publications

The Baker's Touch (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 1)

Valentine’s is always a busy time of year for PB and J Bakery.

With love fueling the need for sweet confections, there’s always room for romance. Even the anonymous gifts left for Penelope, by a secret admirer, are a welcome distraction from the chaos of chocolate and spongecake.

Penelope Bishop has an idea who’s sending the gifts, or at least she hopes it’s her sexy mystery man who stole a kiss on New Year’s Eve. The trouble is, she’s never seen him. Her only clues are dancing skills, a great pair of lips, and a sensual voice that haunts her dreams and every waking fantasy. All that pales when her assistant, Avery, inspires those same lustful thoughts.

Avery has loved Penelope from afar, but with her recent breakup, he doubts she’ll view him beyond the current role he has in her life...seeing eye person. He has one chance to woo a woman who defines her world through touch, scent, sound, and taste--think outside the dating box. When an old flame comes courting and makes Penelope an offer she just may accept, Avery has one last opportunity to make her his Valentine...he’ll have to bare all.


Blind Secrets (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 2) by [Lynn Chantale]

When one is blind trust is important, but who can you trust when someone is trying to kill you? 

Wealthy, blind and grieving, Amelia Hastings-Bedford would gladly give away her fortune if it would bring back her beloved, Joshua. Knowing her money can’t, she forges into a marriage of convenience with Gareth, family friend and law partner.

Gareth Bedford knows two things; someone is trying to kill Amelia and someone is embezzling company funds. Gareth does all he can to protect Amelia from her enemies., but doing so places him in the crosshairs.

When a family member’s action creates tragic consequences only one thing can save Amelia. Joshua.


Broken Lens (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 3) by [Lynn Chantale]

Geneva Martin enjoys photography and has earned quite a reputation for her prints. Armed with an ordinary smartphone, Geneva captures the world around her. What’s amazing is she can’t see.

Serefina Gellar has idolized Geneva from afar. When she gets the opportunity to meet Geneva, Serefina realizes she wants to be Geneva and will do anything to achieve that goal.

Geneva doesn’t realize she now has a stalker. However, after taking a random photo, Geneva also becomes a killer’s target.

Stalker. Killer. It’s just a matter of time before one of them gets to her first.


There’s a crazed killer on the loose and part-time pro wrestler/full-time private investigator Swift Time fears this case just might be his last.


Luckily this PI has an advantage in the ring and when it comes to tracking down fugitives: he's got a touch of ESP and he's not afraid to use it. Swift Time has no problem utilizing his unique skill to find a missing person, solve a murder, or bring in the bad guy but when it comes to his affection for successful bar owner Abigal Alexander, his power is useless.


While their love blooms, bodies are stacking up and only Swift Time can put a stop to it. With his wrestling career and new relationship hanging in the balance, can he protect Abigail while tracking down the relentless murderer? Or will he lose everything because he neglected his supernatural ability to see it all coming?


Samson “Stx” Denver had a fabulous life until a careless mistake robs him of his sight. Angry and bitter, the last thing Stx wants is a relationship. No matter how much he shoves away the woman with the siren’s voice, the more she gets in his head and heart.


August “Sol” River knows what it’s like to have one’s world rip apart. She, too, is visually impaired, but she has to put away her personal feelings in order to raise a child that isn’t hers.


The heart wants what the heart wants. Neither can deny the attraction or love, but will their love be enough to overcome their personal challenges?


VIP's Revenge (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 6) by [Lynn Chantale]

Blind does not mean helpless. 

Friends Penelope and Amelia have faced challenges their entire lives, but they didn't expect being hunted by a maniac hellbent on ridding the world of successful blind people to be one of them.

The way Mr. VIP sees it, he's waited long enough to seek revenge on those who have wronged him. After breaking out of jail, he hopes to join forces with other like-minded criminals to carry out his plan. But can there truly be honor among killers?

When both Penelope and Amelia's sighted husbands are kidnapped, the women know they are going to have to face off against Mr. VIP and his band of villains. But they refuse to be afraid. They are not easy targets and will not go down without a fight.


Jason wants to break his rules, but sabotage is on the horizon.


As a rule, Jason Michaels never dates co-workers or subordinates. Whenever his assistant GG it around, he finds the rule difficult to keep. Not only was she his sous chef before a tragic accident left him blind, but she’s followed him to help in his lucrative food truck business.

Greta “GG” Gaines has loved Jason as long as she’s known him. She knows he lives an alternative lifestyle, but she’s willing to learn in order to be with him. At long last, romance blossoms between them, but her efforts will have to face one more challenge.

As the two pursue the chemistry between them a much larger threat looms. Someone is intent on sabotaging the business. Will their love and devotion be enough to overcome their obstacles? Or will yet another villain prevail?


The Gold Standard (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 8) by Lynn Chantale

Pain can be pleasurable, but secrets never are. 

Troy Curtis knows pain. He lives with it day in and day out. Only his daily workouts keep him sane. When he gets a new trainee at his gym, he wonders if his pain could be her pleasure.

Gold Falls needs to destress and one way of doing that is working out with a group of other VIPs. Sensing there is more to his bluster, she finds Troy’s gruff, trash-talking nature sexy and intriguing.

As their relationship heats up, a secret could tear them asunder.

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A Suitable Wife #MFRWhooks #KindleVella

A Suitable Wife #MFRWhooks #KindleVella

Available Now On Kindle Vella!

Mayoral candidate Myron Parker knows what he wants and pursues his ambitions with calculated precision. Tenaj Miller Isn't taken in by Myron's glib manner or sexy voice. She knows he's a playboy and wants nothing to do with him. A chance meeting across a crowded room is enough to spark an already smoldering need Myron never knew he needed. With forces determined to undermine Myron and Tenaj at every turn only one thing can save them both a marriage of convenience. 

Myron Parker couldn't believe he signed on for this. All he needed was a few moments of silence or to get away from glad handing the people funding him. He may be running for Mayor, but his integrity was not for sale.


Scanning the ballroom, he pretended not to see his campaign manager trying to catch his eye. Myron turned to gaze out the window at the Detroit skyline. The buildings rose majestically against the blazing reds and pinks of the sun sinking below the horizon. Nearby lights danced across the inky water, distorted in the ensuing ripples as the riverboat ‘Detroit Princess’ chugged along. The meandering view was a perfect photo opp. for any legitimate camera buff.


Behind him, the ballroom pulsed with happy mood music and smattered laughter. Alcohol flowed freely, as did the false compliments. He grimaced. This lavish affair with seven buffet tables, champagne fountain, and open bar was on his behalf. He was the guest of honor, and he couldn’t have cared less.


Not that he didn’t appreciate the effort his campaign manager put forth, but the time could be better spent wooing the voters in a different way. The city, already in dire need of financial assistance, scrutinized any un-necessary spending, especially with Emergency Services and the education system failing. Detroit was his home and he didn’t like seeing it viewed as the worst city in America.


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The Cage Chronicles #MFRWhooks

The Cage Chronicles #MFRWhooks

Available Now On Amazon!

Decadence, indulgence, and anticipation are the things Essence desires of her night in the Cage. And she’s bought the perfect dress for the occasion. 
Sir has planned the perfect evening for his tardy sub in Chicago’s exclusive sex club. 
Seduction comes at the edge of a blade. Pleasure at the whisper of a caress, all is a prelude to Essence’s ultimate fantasy. But there are consequences to being late… 

The Cage is an on-premise lifestyle club, located in Chicago's chic, up and coming West Loop neighborhood. In this compilation of short chronicles, the hottest list of talented, best-selling authors from every genre will take you on an erotic tour through five floors of fantasy.

by Phoenix Daniels (Author), Lynn Chantale (Author), Cereza (Author), A. Monique (Author), Jeanie Johnsom (Author), Jayha Leigh (Author), King Elle (Author), Tony Rich (Author)  


A smile curved her lips. a rocking good party was in full swing, and she couldn’t wait to participate. The wall in front of her slid open and sound slammed into her.

For a moment she was deafened by music, voices, and heat. She almost stepped back with the onslaught, but squared her shoulders and shoved through the thick soup of gyrating bodies, techno music and humidity.

A few heads swiveled her way, smiling or winking appreciation. Smiling, she added an extra hip sway. She loved this dress. She spent the better part of three months, brown bagging her lunch and extra hours in the gym just to make sure she was toned and curved for this dress.

By the time she reached the long sleek bar, the slinky, silk chemise was near transparent with perspiration and clung to her ample curves.

“Pink moscato,” she ordered when she caught the bartender’s attention.

While she waited for her drink she turned and scanned the crowd. Odd. She figured Sir would already be here. If he was here, he wouldn’t be hard to find. He was an easy six-two and built like a linebacker. And he would easily stand out amongst the slender, pretty, and less built patrons.

“Here ya go.”

Turning, she found her drink waiting. She picked it up and stopped. Something was written on the napkin She set the glass aside to read.

“Open the package and put it on.’

Essence dragged the package from her purse and ripped off the brown paper. Inside was a simple blindfold. Her heart skipped a beat. She was supposed to wear a blindfold in a sex club with a bunch of strangers.

She worked a little spit around her mouth thought better of it and took a fortifying gulp of wine. This was probably her punishment for being late. Well, it was her own fault. Had she not indulged in the extra twenty minutes of hydromassage after her workout, changed into the dress she was now wearing, and hit traffic, she’d have been here on time.


She slid the blindfold in place. Who was she kidding? Had she not changed at the gym, she’d be in even more trouble. It wasn’t like she went around in silk without underwear. Sipping her wine, she listened to the ebb and flow of the club. This was the main floor, well the party floor where all the bars, music and dance floors were centered.

A hand brushed her behind and she stiffened. Slowly she relaxed. Just someone walking by and got a little too close, she reasoned.

A flush of heat bloomed through her body. The sweetness of the wine helped settle any lingering nerves.

A hard body pressed into hers. “Are you here with anyone?” came the rich baritone.

“I am.”

He leaned close so his lips brushed her ear. A small shiver of awareness danced through her veins. “Maybe I see you with your man and he let me have a taste?”

Before she could respond, he was gone. She was so tempted to tear off the blindfold and see who he was.

Maybe she drank the wine a little too fast, but she definitely had a slight buzz from the alcohol. Glass now empty, she set it aside and leaned against the counter more for support than leisure.

A familiar scent, a deep woodsy pine whispered pass. She turned to get a better sniff and was grabbed around the waist. She opened her mouth to protest, and a hand was clamped over her lips.

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