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Wrath #LynnChantale

The Fury of Wrath #MFRWhooks

Wrath: The fury of Wrath could destroy them all. (Sin-Eaters) by @LynnChantale


The Fury of Wrath may undo them all.
Xochiti has a mate he wasn’t ready to claim. Now that Wrath has found her, he must make a decision. Claim her or watch the rage consume her.
Scorned, the last thing Selma wants is a commitment. However, denying Xochiti has always been a problem and now that he knows her secret, the Fury of Wrath may be the undoing of them all.


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Xochiti shimmered into view as the last of the students left.

Selma stared at him, crossing her arms over her breasts. “What are you doing here?”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Listening to your lecture.”

With a huff, she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. “You’ll have to wait until next semester. My roster is full and I’m not signing any overload forms.”

As she spoke, a subtle glow of light enveloped her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she demanded.

“You are glowing?”

“Right,” she scoffed. “I don’t have time for your games, Xochiti. I have papers to grade.” She brushed past him.

“We need to talk, Selma.”

“Make an appointment.”

“Dove,” the endearment was spoken with quiet command. She stiffened, slowly turned to face him. “Be ready for me tonight.”

Desire flared in her irises, and she bowed her head. Still the shimmering white light around her intensified.

Curious—was she angry because he’d aroused her or angry because he was here?

“You can have my body and my submission, Xochiti, but you will not have my heart.” With that she spun on her heel and slammed from the room.

He lowered his head. He wanted all of her. 

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Love and family? #MFRWhooks

5 Star Review

Candace H. "Dexter and Molly met when he went to her house to talk with her about a proposed addition. She noticed his unhappiness wanting to make him smile. While they got to know each other, little did they know they were working on a budding relationship and future."



Embittered by divorce, Dexter Carson resolves to live without romantic love or a family of his own. When he arrives at a job site, the last thing he expects is his instant attraction to the ebony-haired client. But work comes first, and he's determined to maintain a professional distance, no matter how his body reacts to her soft scent and feminine curves.

Beautiful and intelligent, Molly Crosby has always doubted a man would love her, and now that she's forced to care for her infant niece, all hope for a man who will cherish her seems lost. But when she meets Dexter, she longs to discover what's behind the rugged contractor’s solemn demeanor, and to win more of his  devastating smiles. 


When a bombshell threatens the tender relationship that’s developing, will Molly's love be enough to overcome the scars from his past, or will Dexter walk away from his only chance at love and family? 

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They sat in a back booth with the baby in the corner next to Dexter. From the moment they sat down, Molly had managed to keep Dexter talking about his life, and he’d managed to keep her laughing. 


“I can’t believe how much we have in common.” She dabbed at her eyes with her napkin. “It’s like we’re soul mates.” 


He grudgingly had to agree with her. “You are so down-to-earth.” 


Reaching over, she snagged a tortilla chip and scooped up a generous portion of the homemade spicy salsa. “You expected me to be more prissy?” 


He’d gone this far, might as well finish eating his shoe. “Yeah, actually. Be careful, that salsa’s really hot.” 


She coughed and sputtered. Tears streamed down her cheeks while she fanned her mouth. “Hot is not the word for it.” 


“Try this.” He offered her a section of lime, then pushed her glass of water toward her. “I tried to warn you.” 


She sipped her water. After a moment she sat back, a wide grin on her face. “I like spicy.” She reached for another chip. 


Amusement curved his lips when she went through the same antics again, this time without the coughing. As long as the heat made her happy. On impulse, he placed his hand over hers, again surprised at the softness of her skin. With his thumb he drew lazy circles on the back of her hand. “I like you, Molly. I really do.” 

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Perfect Getaway #MFRWhooks

Perfect Getaway by Lynn Chantale

Hoping to rekindle the sizzle in their marriage, Harmony Evans plans a romantic getaway. A secluded cabin at Juniper Lake resort is the perfect place to seduce his wife and if he can get in a little ghost hunting, even better.

Jade is more than happy to spend the weekend getting reacquainted with Harmony, without the ghosts, but when their cabin appears haunted and the spectral inhabitants shoves their belongings to the door, she figures it’s time to leave.

No one told them Juniper Lake had a sordid past complete with a serial killer and its own host of earthbound spirits. When the other guests begin to die, the best they can hope for is to survive the night. With a sadistic killer on the loose and bodies piling up, romance will take a backseat to murder.


The hair at the nape of her neck lifted and Jade paused in chopping the stalk of celery for soup. She had the sensation of someone standing behind her. Breath, warm and a little wet, fluttered her hair.

Floorboards creaked and something brushed her shoulder. She gripped the knife handle tighter and whirled, brandishing the blade in front of her.


Her heart raced and she sucked in a breath to steady her rapid pulse. She scanned the room. Nothing was in the area that she could see, but she felt something.

She’d have dismissed her feelings as ridiculous if strange things didn’t keep happening. Like this morning, her bathrobe had been draped at the foot of her bed, but she found the garment hanging neatly in the closet along with her husband’s and he hadn’t placed it there.


She jumped. Someone was in the cabin with her. Her hands shook.

“Harmony?” Maybe he was playing a little trick on her. He knew she didn’t care for his hobby of ghost hunting, which was one reason they were in this little cabin tucked in the woods. The other reason was so they could spend time together. And he was off fishing or chasing a rabbit in the forest, while she was being...haunted.

With knife in hand she checked every room of the cabin, which didn’t take long. The cabin had open architecture, the living room flowed into the dining room and kitchen so she could stand in the living room and look into both rooms. The bedroom door stood open and if she leaned just so she could see into the bathroom. Nothing.

So why did she get the impression that someone was watching her?

She peered out of the corner of her eye, hoping to catch a glimpse of what wasn’t there. A flash of light. She whipped her head to the left. Nothing.

Snap. Thud. Fingers swept down the side of her cheek while muted laughter wafted through the air.

“This isn’t funny,” she said to the empty room.

Metal scraped against metal. She hit the light switch, plunging the room in darkness. Jade fastened her gaze on the doorknob and clutched the butcher knife to her chest. She backed away, feeling for the wall with her free hand. If she had to, she could jump out the bathroom window.

A rumble of thunder rolled overhead. And that was another thing, their romantic weekend was turning into a soggy nightmare. She just wanted to go home and leave this place to its spectral inhabitants, if it was indeed haunted.

Wind shook the windows, rattling the glass in the panes. She tensed and bit back a shriek as her back brushed the wall. The fibers of the rough hewn walls grabbed at her shirt in an attempt to hold her in place. Damn Harmony and his quest to find the supernatural. Now would be the perfect time for him to be around to tell her there was no such thing as spooks.

Click clack.

Her heart thudded against her ribs so loud she feared it would jump from her chest. This wasn’t the romantic weekend her husband promised her and now he wasn’t even here. Cursing the day Harmony ever brought her to this hellhole, she flexed her fingers.

The door wobbled. She sucked in a breath. Hinges creaked. Her back hit the wall.

Sweat slicked her palms. A shadow fell across the threshold.

She raised the knife.

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