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#LynnChantale VIBE Series #MFRWHooks

#LynnChantale VIBE Series #MFRWHooks

Blind Secrets (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 2)

When one is blind trust is important, but who can you trust when someone is trying to kill you? 

Wealthy, blind and grieving, Amelia Hastings-Bedford would gladly give away her fortune if it would bring back her beloved, Joshua. Knowing her money can’t, she forges into a marriage of convenience with Gareth, family friend and law partner.

Gareth Bedford knows two things; someone is trying to kill Amelia and someone is embezzling company funds. Gareth does all he can to protect Amelia from her enemies., but doing so places him in the crosshairs.

When a family member’s action creates tragic consequences only one thing can save Amelia. Joshua.

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If memory served her right, there was a patch of grass about twenty yards to her left. “Left,” she prompted the dog. At once, the animal did as commanded. After a few paces, they stopped. Amelia felt forward with her foot and discovered they were at a curb. “Good girl. Forward, I have it now.”

They crossed the expanse of asphalt without incident. Small pebbles crunched beneath her shoes before they were muffled by grass. She stopped, then removed the harness by pushing in the hinge clip. She pulled the apparatus off and looped it over her shoulder. She readied a poop bag just in case and gave the command, “busy, busy,” for the dog to relieve herself.

“All right, girl.” Amelia followed a few steps as Kiska sniffed and turned. A moment later, a soft hiss filled the night. Amelia shoved the unused bag in her pocket, then re-harnessed the dog. “All right, girl, let’s go back.”

Tires screeched in the distance. Amelia walked until her shoes touched the edge of grass and the beginning of asphalt. She listened for a moment. Still no traffic on this edge of the parking lot.

“Find the curb,” Amelia said. Kiska moved and Amelia stepped forward.

An engine raced. Someone screamed a warning as Kiska stopped, then dragged her backward.

Amelia lost her balance, trying to compensate for the sudden change in direction. Air sped past her, and something clipped her hip, aiding her fall. She hit the ground hard, sprawled into a heap.

Kiska danced next to her, nudging her face, emitting a soft whine.

Footsteps pounded on the pavement. She reached a shaky hand to calm her dog.

“It’s okay, girl. You did good. You saved my life.” She hugged the dog and allowed the animal to lick her face.

“Are you alright?” Voices moved around her. “That car tried to run you over.”

The Baker's Touch (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 1) 

Valentine’s is always a busy time of year for PB and J Bakery.

With love fueling the need for sweet confections, there’s always room for romance. Even the anonymous gifts left for Penelope, by a secret admirer, are a welcome distraction from the chaos of chocolate and spongecake.

Penelope Bishop has an idea who’s sending the gifts, or at least she hopes it’s her sexy mystery man who stole a kiss on New Year’s Eve. The trouble is, she’s never seen him. Her only clues are dancing skills, a great pair of lips, and a sensual voice that haunts her dreams and every waking fantasy. All that pales when her assistant, Avery, inspires those same lustful thoughts.

Avery has loved Penelope from afar, but with her recent breakup, he doubts she’ll view him beyond the current role he has in her life...seeing eye person. He has one chance to woo a woman who defines her world through touch, scent, sound, and taste--think outside the dating box. When an old flame comes courting and makes Penelope an offer she just may accept, Avery has one last opportunity to make her his Valentine...he’ll have to bare all.

Coming Soon

Broken Lens (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 3)

Geneva Martin enjoys photography and has earned quite a reputation for her prints. Armed with an ordinary smartphone, Geneva captures the world around her. What’s amazing is she can’t see.

Serefina Gellar has idolized Geneva from afar. When she gets the opportunity to meet Geneva, Serefina realizes she wants to be Geneva and will do anything to achieve that goal.

Geneva doesn’t realize she now has a stalker. However, after taking a random photo, Geneva also becomes a killer’s target.

Stalker. Killer. It’s just a matter of time before one of them gets to her first.

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Blind Secrets Book Tour #MFRWhooks

Blind Secrets Book Tour #MFRWhooks

Blind Secrets (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 2)

When one is blind trust is important, but who can you trust when someone is trying to kill you? 

Wealthy, blind and grieving, Amelia Hastings-Bedford would gladly give away her fortune if it would bring back her beloved, Joshua. Knowing her money can’t, she forges into a marriage of convenience with Gareth, family friend and law partner.

Gareth Bedford knows two things; someone is trying to kill Amelia and someone is embezzling company funds. Gareth does all he can to protect Amelia from her enemies., but doing so places him in the crosshairs.

When a family member’s action creates tragic consequences only one thing can save Amelia. Joshua.

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The Baker's Touch (VIBE a Steamy Romance Book 1) 

Valentine’s is always a busy time of year for PB and J Bakery.

With love fueling the need for sweet confections, there’s always room for romance. Even the anonymous gifts left for Penelope, by a secret admirer, are a welcome distraction from the chaos of chocolate and spongecake.

Penelope Bishop has an idea who’s sending the gifts, or at least she hopes it’s her sexy mystery man who stole a kiss on New Year’s Eve. The trouble is, she’s never seen him. Her only clues are dancing skills, a great pair of lips, and a sensual voice that haunts her dreams and every waking fantasy. All that pales when her assistant, Avery, inspires those same lustful thoughts.

Avery has loved Penelope from afar, but with her recent breakup, he doubts she’ll view him beyond the current role he has in her life...seeing eye person. He has one chance to woo a woman who defines her world through touch, scent, sound, and taste--think outside the dating box. When an old flame comes courting and makes Penelope an offer she just may accept, Avery has one last opportunity to make her his Valentine...he’ll have to bare all.

Excerpt Chapter One

A small throng of people gathered in the wide tiled foyer. The distant chatter of conversation mingled with the soft music and the occasional burst of laughter.

Mr. VIP eyed the small group of people with some hostility. Look at them. So successful and happy at this New Year’s Eve gathering. How dare they be happy when I am struggling. He clenched his hands at the thought.

Didn’t they know his world was falling apart? Didn’t they know he was suffering? Or were they too wrapped up in their own relationships and businesses to notice he had withdrawn more than usual?

They were supposed to be his friends, his colleagues, his support system.

And not one of them noticed.

No. Not when he had stopped bringing his wife around. Nor when he no longer hosted any social gatherings at his home. They hadn’t even noticed he no longer discussed his business, his passion.

They hadn’t noticed anything.

Breathing deep, allowing the rising anger to swell and dissipate enough, he unclenched his hands and exhaled. Once more, he was the calm collected man they all knew him to be.

“Has the rest of our group arrived?” said Abigail Anderson. She held the handle of a large attentive but aging yellow, English Labrador retriever named Percy.

“I think we’re still waiting on Penelope.”

“Let me grab a quick picture before we move,” Geneva Martin said. She walked a few steps away, her heels clicking on the polished floor. “I can’t believe I’m getting a chance to be here,” Geneva gushed. “My mom always described the lobby as classy. You know, lots of marble and crystal chandeliers.” Her words were punctuated with a feminine voice as she rapidly instructed the person with the camera to tilt the cameral left, then right. Then the soft click of a shutter snapping followed, echoing off the high ceilings. “I can’t wait to post these on my website.”

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Forever In Love #MFRWhooks

Forever In Love #MFRWhooks

Bonnie wants a life devoid of her past, but she lost her heart to an older man years ago when she was too young to do more than wish for a knight in tarnished armor. Now that she's all grown up, maybe reconnecting with the man who holds her heart isn't such a bad idea after all.

Buck has waited a long time for the woman of his dreams, but he's nobody's hero. He's played the game, made mistakes, and paid his debt to society. Now that he's changed his ways and professed his intentions to Bonnie, his past deeds could cost him his future.


5 Star Review

EC "This book reminds me of a great love"


I loved this books it was written so well that I got lost in the book and devour every page at one setting. SO much background given you begin to fall in love with Buck and Bonnie (Sassy) buy this book and you will not be disappointed and will beg for more which is what I am about to do.


“Ms. Carson—”

“I’m coming!” Bonnie snapped. Once the board was pried loose, she dropped the pack into the waiting opening, then replaced the wood. She stood and dusted off her clothes. She closed the closet, then yanked open the front door. A quick glance at the heavy wrought iron screen door, as much for decoration as it was for security, was sufficiently locked. She twisted the deadbolt for added insurance. “Do you have identification?”

The slightly plump, white haired woman huffed, her smooth walnut skin held tiny lines around her mouth and eyes. Those lines only deepened when she pursed her coral-lined lips. “Young lady, we’re here to investigate a complaint that there are minors in the home without proper supervision.”

Bonnie lifted her chin in defiance. “Who made that ridiculous call?”

“I’m not at liberty to say.”

“We need to come in.”

“No, you don’t. This is my home and for all I know you could be some sort of serial killer pretending to be a social worker,” Bonnie said with a slight sneer. “I watch the news. Just last week some couple called this co-ed and said she needed to come home right away because something happened to her mother. When she left her dorm, two men kidnapped and killed her.” She shook her head. “I’m not letting you in my home.”

Behind her, Dexter’s giggle drifted to her from the kitchen and it took all her willpower to maintain a straight face at the woman’s wide-eyed shock.

“Now do you have ID?”

With a huff, the woman and the male officer behind her produced the required items. “Now open the door.”

Bonnie scoffed. “Pu-leeze. I let you in and that gives you license to go through my underwear drawer. You can say what you have to say from here, and if I open the door wide enough you can see the whole house.”

Metal scraping concrete pulled her focus from the couple standing in front of her to the tall lean figure at the bottom of the stoop. He eased the rickety chain-link fence gate closed behind him. As she met his gaze, her breath stilled in her throat. She always loved the deep blue of his eyes, but he never noticed her and why should he? She was just a kid. Just another runner on the block whose only edict was not to look in the bag. She kept her end of the deal and he kept his, but it didn’t stop her from fantasizing about his chocolate brown hair or full lips. What would it be like to steal a kiss from an older man?

“Hey, sassy. You didn’t tell me we were having company. I’d have come home sooner,” the newcomer said shouldering his way past the couple on the porch.

Bonnie stood dumbstruck. Was he really coming to her rescue?

He twisted the knob, then patted his pockets. “I seem to have left my keys.”

That pulled her from her stupor. “Right, right. I found them on the dresser,” she replied smoothly and turned the locks. “They surprised me as well, Buck.”

Buck flashed a knee-weakening smile. “That’s all right. You should’ve called me,” he admonished as he entered the house, then leaned down to hug her.

He was a little sweaty, but not unpleasant and his scent—outdoors, fresh cut grass and musk—teased her senses. If she could hold onto him forever it wouldn’t be long enough.

“Reach in my shirt pocket and grab the envelope. Everything you need’s inside,” he whispered in her ear.

With trembling fingers she obeyed, and he shifted to mask her movements as she jammed the paper in her pocket. He released her and straightened, but kept an arm around her shoulders. For the first time since her parents walked out just before Christmas five months ago, she felt safe.

“You live here?” This was from the woman, her face all scrunched and frowny.

Buck glanced over his shoulder. “Is that a problem?”

“We thought they were unsupervised.”

“Since when did a legal adult require supervision?” Buck demanded, a hint of a smile on his lean face. “I know my girl here looks young, but she’s of age. Finished her first semester at the local college, didn’t ya, babe?”

Bonnie nodded. “Mid-terms are this week and I really need to get back to studying.”

“What exactly is it you need to see?” Buck gently nudged Bonnie behind him as he blocked the entrance.

“We need to know that the minor in the home is taken care of,” the woman said.

He glanced at Bonnie.

“Fine,” she muttered. She did not want these people in her home, but if it got them out of her hair faster than so be it.

The social worker filed in, while the officer stayed on the porch and lit a cigarette. Menthol trailed the woman into the house. Bonnie stood to one side watching her.

“You’ve a very nice home.”

She opened her mouth to say something snide and Buck squeezed her shoulder. “Thank you,” she said instead. Did this heifer think everyone who lived in the hood had nasty houses with rats and bugs crawling over everything? That was not how she was raised, even if her parents decided they were no longer fit to finish raising them.

The woman nodded and continued into the kitchen. Dexter paused long enough to look up from his homework, shook his head and returned his attention to the book on the table.

“If she’s staying for dinner, I’m eating in my room,” he muttered.

Bonnie bit back a laugh while Buck chuckled then coughed behind her. “She’s not staying for dinner.”

The worker flashed a tight smile. “No, I have my own family dinner to get to.” She walked over to the cabinets and opened each one. “Kitchen seems well stocked.”

Bonnie opened her mouth and, again, Buck squeezed her shoulder. “I do my best,” she managed through clenched teeth.

The social worker nodded. “Very well. Thank you for your time, Ms. Carson, but you understand we have to check out these complaints.”

She nodded as the worker left the house. Bonnie waited until her unwanted guests walked down the porch and entered their vehicles before she confronted Buck. Fists on hips, she gazed up at him. “What do you want?”

A smirk twisted his lips. “Nothing at all, sassy.”

“Right. Tell me another one.”

He chuckled. “You’re a suspicious little thing. I was just helping.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Why?”

“Because, unlike a lot of the other people around here, you’re actually trying to make something of yourself. I can respect that.”

“So what do you want?”

When he stepped closer, she held her ground. If he could intimidate her by invading her space, he was sadly mistaken. Any kind of weakness on the street and she wouldn’t last a day, and then there was her brother. His welfare was paramount. She met and held Buck’s gaze. Something flickered in the cerulean depths then disappeared before she could decipher it.

“If you were a little older, I’d tell you, but for now a thank you will suffice.”

She swallowed hard. Owing a debt to a man like Buck was not what she wanted. It was one thing to help him keep his business going, but this, him rescuing her, was something different.

Buck was dangerous. Well, to maintain his business and stature he had to be. He was the savior of a dying and dysfunctional neighborhood, keeping a semblance of order when the police were afraid to answer emergency calls. She saw him here and there, but for the most part he stayed in the shadows. And now he was in her living room playing the white knight, and she was thankful he’d given her a chance to work for him so she could support herself and her brother. Between being a runner and her part-time job at the local supermarket, she could just scrape by.

“You have a problem with that?”

She nodded.

“Get over it, sassy. You’re under my protection and that means no more hustling on the streets.”

She scoffed. “I don’t need your help.”

He arched a brow. “No? And what if I hadn’t showed up?”

She opened her mouth and quickly snapped it shut. If he hadn’t showed up the officer and social worker would have probably forced their way in and taken them both. “Fine. Thank you.”

“My pleasure. You all right in there, young blood?”

“Yeah. I don’t like this reading thing,” Dexter answered.

“Keep at it. You’ll need it if you want to go far in this life.”

“I want to build things. I don’t need to read if I want to build things,” he replied stubbornly.

Bonnie watched the exchange with some amusement. Buck appeared to give the statement some consideration and she couldn’t wait to hear his answer.

“Then how will you know what materials to order or the architect’s specifications if you can’t read very well?”

She tuned out of their conversation as she made her way to the kitchen to finish dinner.

“Can Buck stay for dinner?” Dexter asked.

“I’m sure he doesn’t want neck bones and greens.” She glanced over her shoulder.

“And why wouldn’t I?” A distinct challenge in his warm honeyed voice. “Because I’m white?”

She looked at him, then at her brother and finally back at him. The thought had crossed her mind, but not just his skin color. She was sure a man like Buck would rather have a thick steak and a fat juicy potato on his plate than what she could afford on five dollars a day, if that.

Buck shifted from his post on the wall and sat at the head of the scarred dining table. “I grew up on a farm in Arkansas and we ate plenty of greens, beans and purple hull peas.”

She huffed and set a plate in front of him, then Dexter. She placed a small plate of cornbread on the table near Buck’s elbow. “And you decided Michigan would be a better place to live?”

“I was stationed here for a bit while I was in the military and after I left I never went back home.”

She filled her own plate and sat down at the only vacant chair at the table, between her brother and Buck. A sense of peace stole through her. She didn’t have many of these moments in her life and she was determined to hold on to this for as long as it lasted.

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