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Monthly Archives: August 2019

If I had a TARDIS #MFRWauthor

Famous Blue Police Box by Pixabay

If I had a TARDIS oh the places I could go. Of course Doctor Who and Captain Jack Harkness would ride with me. You gotta admit a big blue police telephone box with a perception field around it is a lot cooler than a flying Delorean. I’ve nothing against Doc Brown, but who wants to tote around a bag of garbage to fuel a car? Doctor Who has that nifty sonic screwdriver, and he can travel ANYWHERE!


So where would I go if I could Time travel?. Are certain events a fixed point in time as Doctor Who has said on numerous occasions? Or is it more forgiving? Would I go back and not let President Trump win the election, view the dinosaurs, meet Malcolm X or the real Betty Boop. Maybe something more personal like having a conversation with my younger self and tell her to avoid the young man and choose a worthier man, or better yet, stay home the last three weeks of school freshman year. It’s so easy to get caught up in the personal and change your own path. Many of the things that have occurred in life help shape who we are now. With that said I would go back and sit at the feet of Jesus. To witness firsthand his humbleness, power, love, and ministry would be a game changer. If I couldn’t see him, the I’d visit Lot during the time he and his family were fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah. I’d love to see his wife turn into a pillar of salt.

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“Means to an end” #MFRWhooks

Huemac, a half-breed, covets ultimate power, but he needs two things—access to the royal family and an ancient artifact. He attains the former by seducing the Emperor’s sister, and then steals the latter.


Moctezuma, the newly crowned Emperor, comes from a long line of powerful gods known as Sin-Eaters. He desires peace among his people, but an ancient prophecy warns of war.


Huemac discovers the incantation to activate the fabled Athame of Souls, a mythical weapon capable of entrapping souls. His quest to rule is within his grasp. Only one thing stands in his way—Moctezuma.


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“I understand that my sister has requested you as part of her personal guard,” Moctezuma began offhandedly. “This is a much-coveted position.” 


Huemac pretended not to see the dark glare Metztli shot Moctezuma. “Indeed, Lord Emperor. It is a testament of the trust and faith the princess has in me.” He allowed pride and arrogance to flow through his voice.


Moctezuma merely smiled. “Please do not stand on formality, old friend. I am rather pleased Metztli has requested you.”


Huemac coughed in surprise. He made the mistake of glancing directly into Moctezuma’s eyes and once more experienced the sensation of falling. With great effort he looked away. Had the emperor seen anything?


Moctezuma frowned, then rubbed his temples. “I will be speaking with Tialoc about the reassignment once he returns.”


Hope that had nothing to do with his own plot soared through Huemac. Once more he wondered if he were merely using Metztli as a means to an end of if he truly had feelings for her. “And when will that be?”


Moctezuma stared at a point beyond Metztli’s shoulder. “Three days’ time. In the meantime I have spoken with Xochiti to lighten your duties so that the two of you may be permitted some time here and there.”


Joy burst through Huemac. He shook himself. What was the matter with him? He was behaving like some lovestruck halfling.


“Oh that is marvelous!” Metztli beamed. “We can picnic in the valley of the Emperors. You have promised to show me the tombs of the Fallen.”


Huemac inclined his head, unable to stop the smile of indulgence from curling his lips. “Indeed I did. As soon as I know when I can leave, we will begin our adventure.” And maybe I’ll find the incantation to free my soul.

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“Honor Due” #MFRWhooks

Huemac, a half-breed, covets ultimate power, but he needs two things—access to the royal family and an ancient artifact. He attains the former by seducing the Emperor’s sister, and then steals the latter.


Moctezuma, the newly crowned Emperor, comes from a long line of powerful gods known as Sin-Eaters. He desires peace among his people, but an ancient prophecy warns of war.


Huemac discovers the incantation to activate the fabled Athame of Souls, a mythical weapon capable of entrapping souls. His quest to rule is within his grasp. Only one thing stands in his way—Moctezuma.


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“My friend!” Huemac clasped Moctezuma’s wrist, then drew him in for a hug.

Moctezuma blocked the gesture with a flat palm on Huemac’s chest and a slight frown. “You are rather exuberant in your greeting.” Though the admonition was terse, a gleam of amusement tinted his eyes. “You must have seen your lady love.”

Huemac forced a blush, then was surprised at how easily the heat rose in his cheeks. He inclined his head. Did he really need Moctezuma’s approval? “Yes.”

Moctezuma laughed. “Old friend, you do not have to pretend with me. I have seen the way my sister looks at you. She pretends indifference when you are near, but she cannot hide her glow of love.” He turned sober. “Have a care with her heart. If your intentions are not honorable, I shall be forced to sacrifice you in the pits.”

A long silence hung between the two. Huemac was first to look away. He swallowed the angry retort that burned like acid in his throat. How dare this half-breed threaten him with a death befitting mortals. The pits were for the entertainment of the gods, suitable for those who had fallen out of favor or displeased them, and yes, even used for lesser gods, but not one such as himself. Huemac was a god to be feared, a captain in the Emperor’s army only outranked by Tialoc and his second-in-command, Xochiti.

“I intend to give her all the honor due her,” Huemac vowed. And then to keep her on as a slave. After all, she did satisfy his needs. “She has persuaded me to wait until after your celebration to announce our relationship.”

Moctezuma winced. “Yes. All this fanfare and nonsense to be named successor as leader of our people. It is so unnecessary. I have tried to speak reason to my parents, but my pleas have fallen on deaf ears.”

The other male did not want the throne? That was surprising news. “Surely, you jest,”

“No. My brother would be better suited for the task, but my father insists that as first son, it is my birthright, regardless of blood.”

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