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Monthly Archives: July 2021

The Baker’s Touch #MFRWhooks

The Baker’s Touch #MFRWhooks

Valentine’s is always a busy time of year for PB and J Bakery.

With love fueling the need for sweet confections, there’s always room for romance. Even the anonymous gifts left for Penelope, by a secret admirer, are a welcome distraction from the chaos of chocolate and spongecake.

Penelope Bishop has an idea who’s sending the gifts, or at least she hopes it’s her sexy mystery man who stole a kiss on New Year’s Eve. The trouble is, she’s never seen him. Her only clues are dancing skills, a great pair of lips, and a sensual voice that haunts her dreams and every waking fantasy. All that pales when her assistant, Avery, inspires those same lustful thoughts.

Avery has loved Penelope from afar, but with her recent breakup, he doubts she’ll view him beyond the current role he has in her life...seeing eye person. He has one chance to woo a woman who defines her world through touch, scent, sound, and taste--think outside the dating box. When an old flame comes courting and makes Penelope an offer she just may accept, Avery has one last opportunity to make her his Valentine...he’ll have to bare all.

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Excerpt Chapter One

A small throng of people gathered in the wide tiled foyer. The distant chatter of conversation mingled with the soft music and the occasional burst of laughter.

Mr. VIP eyed the small group of people with some hostility. Look at them. So successful and happy at this New Year’s Eve gathering. How dare they be happy when I am struggling. He clenched his hands at the thought.

Didn’t they know his world was falling apart? Didn’t they know he was suffering? Or were they too wrapped up in their own relationships and businesses to notice he had withdrawn more than usual?

They were supposed to be his friends, his colleagues, his support system.

And not one of them noticed.

No. Not when he had stopped bringing his wife around. Nor when he no longer hosted any social gatherings at his home. They hadn’t even noticed he no longer discussed his business, his passion.

They hadn’t noticed anything.

Breathing deep, allowing the rising anger to swell and dissipate enough, he unclenched his hands and exhaled. Once more, he was the calm collected man they all knew him to be.

“Has the rest of our group arrived?” said Abigail Anderson. She held the handle of a large attentive but aging yellow, English Labrador retriever named Percy.

“I think we’re still waiting on Penelope.”

“Let me grab a quick picture before we move,” Geneva Martin said. She walked a few steps away, her heels clicking on the polished floor. “I can’t believe I’m getting a chance to be here,” Geneva gushed. “My mom always described the lobby as classy. You know, lots of marble and crystal chandeliers.” Her words were punctuated with a feminine voice as she rapidly instructed the person with the camera to tilt the cameral left, then right. Then the soft click of a shutter snapping followed, echoing off the high ceilings. “I can’t wait to post these on my website.”

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Murder is messy #MFRWhooks

Murder is messy #MFRWhooks

True Detective Series


On Amazon 

In a small town, in a popular bar, beautiful women disappear. This could just be a coincidence, but private investigators, Carson, Matt and Nathalie don’t believe in them. So they go undercover.
However, when one of the missing women turns up dead, the trio is disturbed to learn the woman bore a striking resemblance to Nathalie; they increase their efforts. When Nathalie disappears from the same bar, Carson and Matt will do anything to find her.
*Contains explicit descriptions of sex, strong language, and descriptions of violence.*


Revenge is his game, and Black Hemlock is willing to do anything to settle the score.
For years, Black Hemlock has been biding his time, sulking that bragging rights to a long ago cyber heist was snatched from him. Throw in betrayal and a broken heart, and he has the perfect motive for murder.
Once more True Detective Agency is called in to assist in finding the perpetrator, this time using Carson as bait. Fearless and capable, Carson has no problem going head-to-head with a killer with a penchant for poison.
As the trio delves into the lives and deaths of the victims, a buried secret could destroy them all.

**Contains Explicit descriptions of sex, some violence and strong language. Also contains strong BDSM themes**


Family is everything.

No one knows that better than Carson, Matt and Nathalie. Through trials, and hardships, unwavering love and devotion, they’ve built a solid family unit. But Matt longs for a reunion with his estranged family.

A family in need.

In spite of the pain his sister put him through, Matt agrees to help his sister with a potentially ugly custody battle. Meanwhile Carson struggles to keep both Matt and Nathalie safe from Black Hemlock and anew more potential dangerous foe.

With every family there are secrets and hidden truths and buried lies. And lies, even those of omission, can destroy.


Contains strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Contains BDSM elements. Also contains sensitive material which may trigger some readers.

Excerpt Book 3

Chapter Five

DREXEL ABSOLUTELY LOVED ADDING little surprises to his gifts. He carefully laced the chocolates with hemlock, arsenic, and cyanide. There wasn’t enough cyanide to kill—that’s what the hemlock was for. He laughed. Now he had to deliver these to their offices.

Jude walked in sniffing the air. “Something smells sweet.”

“Indeed. These are not for you,” he told her. He placed the deadly candy on a rack to cool. “These are for the men. They have a weakness for chocolate.”

She picked up a spoon and poked at the chocolates already cooled. Drexel removed the utensil and shooed her away. Jude huffed and went to lean against the wall.

“How is that going to help me?”

“You need to get that woman alone. The best way to do that is to take out her protectors.”

“And what are those for?” Jude indicated a box of caramels.

“Ah. Those are for a very special client. Those lovely candies have an antidote. However, the only way to get the antidote is to bring a certain painting to the client.”

“You know a bullet to the brain or a knife to the heart is a great alternative to this.” She waved a hand to the melted chocolate detritus.

Drexel smiled. “When all avenues have been exhausted we’ll go with those primitive methods. Poison is a delicate science. There is finesse in adding the right amount of plants and extracts to either make a person sick, gravely ill, or outright kill them.” He straightened, carefully peeling off his gloves and goggles.

“When you use a knife, gun, or other implement, you need to be present. You need to watch for opportunities to destroy your enemy. This way” —he waved a hand to the candy — “one can be in the same room. Even eat the same food and the victim can die either then and there or hours later when you have an airtight alibi.”

“It still seems a lot of work for something so simple.”

“Murder is rarely simple.” He donned another pair of gloves and commenced to cleaning. “Murder is messy, hot and vengeful. How one decides to enact the deed determines how well it will be executed.”

“Which is why I have yet to be caught and that’s because I plan everything.”

“Do you expect to get caught?”

“Eventually, but that’s like saying if you stand in the ocean you won’t get wet.” He loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. “Someone will either catch me and put me away for a long time or someone will kill me. Either way, I’m going out with a blaze of glory and a high body count.”

Jude shuddered. “You’re one scary dude.”

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True Detective Series #MFRWhooks

True Detective Series #MFRWhooks

True Detective Series


On Amazon 

In a small town, in a popular bar, beautiful women disappear. This could just be a coincidence, but private investigators, Carson, Matt and Nathalie don’t believe in them. So they go undercover.
However, when one of the missing women turns up dead, the trio is disturbed to learn the woman bore a striking resemblance to Nathalie; they increase their efforts. When Nathalie disappears from the same bar, Carson and Matt will do anything to find her.
*Contains explicit descriptions of sex, strong language, and descriptions of violence.*


Revenge is his game, and Black Hemlock is willing to do anything to settle the score.
For years, Black Hemlock has been biding his time, sulking that bragging rights to a long ago cyber heist was snatched from him. Throw in betrayal and a broken heart, and he has the perfect motive for murder.
Once more True Detective Agency is called in to assist in finding the perpetrator, this time using Carson as bait. Fearless and capable, Carson has no problem going head-to-head with a killer with a penchant for poison.
As the trio delves into the lives and deaths of the victims, a buried secret could destroy them all.

**Contains Explicit descriptions of sex, some violence and strong language. Also contains strong BDSM themes**


Family is everything.

No one knows that better than Carson, Matt and Nathalie. Through trials, and hardships, unwavering love and devotion, they’ve built a solid family unit. But Matt longs for a reunion with his estranged family.

A family in need.

In spite of the pain his sister put him through, Matt agrees to help his sister with a potentially ugly custody battle. Meanwhile Carson struggles to keep both Matt and Nathalie safe from Black Hemlock and anew more potential dangerous foe.

With every family there are secrets and hidden truths and buried lies. And lies, even those of omission, can destroy.


Contains strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Contains BDSM elements. Also contains sensitive material which may trigger some readers.

Excerpt Book 3

The water clicked off. Nathalie didn’t move.

“C’mon sweetheart.” Carson held out a towel. “You can’t stay in here forever.”

Nathalie shook her head

He bent, enveloped her in the towel and carried her from the shower. He frowned when she didn’t protest further. “You are absolutely safe,” he told her as he dried her limbs.

Again she shook her head.

Carson wrapped another towel around her wet hair She shivered beneath his hands. He grabbed the clothes he’d brought into the bathroom with him and helped her into a tee, sweatshirt and pants.

And still she shivered.

He led her into the outer office. Once she was settled on the small settee, he made sure the door was locked, then sat next to her.

“I shot her.”

Nathalie slowly turned to look at him.

Swinging her legs into his lap, Carson picked up a pair of socks. “I didn’t kill her, but I definitely winged her. Drexel is behind all this.”

“But you didn’t kill them?”

He paused, listening to her tone and replaying the words in his head. Not fear. “No.”

She breathed out a sigh. “Good.”

He paused in pulling the socks on her feet. He winged a brow. “I thought you wanted them dead.”

She met and held his gaze. Anger burned in her soft gray eyes. Anger so fierce she fairly vibrated with it. “I want them to pay. They can’t pay if they’re dead. They need to suffer and pay.” She pushed his hands aside and stood. “Stop babying me. The towel fell from her head, her damp braids heavy on her back.”

He stood as well.

“She made me feel helpless again and that pisses me off,” she snapped. “And I peed my pants. That infuriates me that she can still do that.” She paced back and forth. Her socked feet made no noise on the carpet, but the air vibrated with turmoil. “And I’m not safe as long as she’s on the streets.”

Carson stepped in her path, halting her movement. “We will keep you safe. You’re not a helpless teenager anymore. You’re a grown woman with some very mad skills. You know how to protect yourself,” he reminded her.

“I don’t like being afraid.”

He pulled her to him and just held her.

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