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Monthly Archives: June 2022

The Fury of Wrath #MFRWhooks

The Fury of Wrath #MFRWhooks

Wrath: The fury of Wrath could destroy them all. (Sin-Eaters) by @LynnChantale


The Fury of Wrath may undo them all.
Xochiti has a mate he wasn’t ready to claim. Now that Wrath has found her, he must make a decision. Claim her or watch the rage consume her.
Scorned, the last thing Selma wants is a commitment. However, denying Xochiti has always been a problem and now that he knows her secret, the Fury of Wrath may be the undoing of them all.


Available on


Xochiti shimmered into view as the last of the students left.

Selma stared at him, crossing her arms over her breasts. “What are you doing here?”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Listening to your lecture.”

With a huff, she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. “You’ll have to wait until next semester. My roster is full and I’m not signing any overload forms.”

As she spoke, a subtle glow of light enveloped her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she demanded.

“You are glowing?”

“Right,” she scoffed. “I don’t have time for your games, Xochiti. I have papers to grade.” She brushed past him.

“We need to talk, Selma.”

“Make an appointment.”

“Dove,” the endearment was spoken with quiet command. She stiffened, slowly turned to face him. “Be ready for me tonight.”

Desire flared in her irises, and she bowed her head. Still the shimmering white light around her intensified.

Curious—was she angry because he’d aroused her or angry because he was here?

“You can have my body and my submission, Xochiti, but you will not have my heart.” With that she spun on her heel and slammed from the room.

He lowered his head. He wanted all of her. 

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Safe Sisters #MFRWhooks

Safe Sisters #MFRWhooks

Safe Sisters 

Two sisters, one treasure, and a killer determined to have it all.


Street Safe 

Street Callan wants only one thing from the sultry voluptuous woman in red heels, a night of steamy, unadulterated sex.  


Na’arah Simmons has no problem submitting to Street’s seductive allure, since she shares in the attraction.

When their one night stand leaves her with an unplanned souvenir, his less than desired response will force her to move on. 


However, when she’s the only witness to a brutal murder, Na’arah has only Street to turn to if she wants to save herself and her unborn child.

Review 5 Stars

P. Montgomery

Street Safe Excerpt

Those lips curved into a siren’s smile and conjured steamy weekends in bed. He shoved the coffee in Miles’ general direction and ignored his friend’s chuckle.

“May I help you?”

Decadent perfection tilted her head to the side and the tantalizing silkiness of her hair cascaded over a bare shoulder. When he met her eyes, a brownish-green, he nearly stopped breathing. Her! Only one woman he knew had hazel eyes. Surely the temptress standing before him wasn’t his very own masseuse? God, he didn’t even recognize her, all dressed up and with places to go. He drifted his gaze from head to toe. Damn, baby girl should leave her work smock at home. And now he couldn’t remember her name.

“I’m sorry I know you’re busy, but we’re having a little trouble finding our bartender.” Her sultry voice reminded him of satin sheets and candlelight. If she wanted to haunt his fantasies, then he would definitely make them a reality. What did he have to do to get her in bed?

“I’m the bartender.”

She arched a perfectly shaped brow. “For the bachelorette party?” She glanced around. “You seem pretty busy right here.”

He grinned. “I’ll get the first round started and then I’ll be at your beck and call. I’m Street, by the way.”

She lowered her lashes before meeting his gaze. “I know, although I always preferred Rue. Have you been avoiding me?”

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“I never forgot you.” Blind Fury #MFRWhooks

“I never forgot you.” Blind Fury #MFRWhooks

Samson “Stx” Denver had a fabulous life until a careless mistake robs him of his sight. 

Angry and bitter, the last thing Stx wants is a relationship. No matter how much he shoves away the woman with the siren’s voice, the more she gets in his head and heart.

August “Sol” River knows what it’s like to have one’s world rip apart. She, too, is visually impaired, but she has to put away her personal feelings in order to raise a child that isn’t hers.

The heart wants what the heart wants. Neither can deny the attraction or love, but will their love be enough to overcome their personal challenges?

Available in eBook:


Barnes & Noble


“I like your style,” Samson said.
“You don’t even know me,” she scoffed.
There was that laugh again. Slow, sensual, and teasing. She knew that laugh. Knew the voice. No, it couldn’t be. She stepped back, but the man followed. The way he stood in her personal bubble spoke of familiarity. His clean, crisp scent and the slow slide of his fingers on her forearm brought back memories long forgotten. Memories of a stolen kiss between classes. Sharing an ice cream cone beneath the bleachers. The first time she gave herself to him. She slammed the lid on that memory and stepped away from his gentle caress.
“Samson?” she whispered, unable to speak any louder.
“And here I thought you’d totally forgotten me.”
She closed her eyes as his warm breath tickled her ear. She had never forgotten her first. Samson was a lot of firsts for her. The most significant being the first boy she ever had sex with. Desire and need sizzled through her system. Could what they did so long ago be called sex? She didn’t think so. They’d been stupid kids, and she’d pledged her heart to him. What had she known about love at 16?
“I never forgot you.”
He pressed closer, his body warm, hard, and strong against her softer one. “Do you remember the first time I saw you? You were singing then too.”

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