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Category: Lynn Chantale

What is an Epilogue by Lynn Chantale

What is an epilogue? #MFRWauthor

What is an Epilogue by Lynn Chantale What is an epilogue? According to the online dictionary it’s the afterword in a story where the author speaks directly to the reader and used to bring closure to a piece of work.


An epilogue that little bit of story after everything has come to a dramatic close. Personally, I enjoy a good epilogue. It gives the author a chance to wrap up any remaining loose ends or maybe unravel a few of the knotted ends.


A few of my favorite authors employ an epilogue at the end of their stories. It’s usually gives the wrap up of what happened a few days or months later.


When I use an epilogue in my stories it’s to give a little more of what happens with the characters after all the drama. Unless it’s part of a series, then I use it to introduce the next story. Can epilogue hurt your story?


If the epilogue is used to only wrap up loose ends that would better be served in the main body of the story, yes.


How can an epilogue help?


Jonathan Mayberry employs multiple epilogues at the end of his Joe Ledger novels. He always has a satisfying ending where you know the good guys have kicked some major bad guy butt and the book could end right there, but he goes that extra bit to close some a few remaining threads.


If you’re a fan of the DMS then you know the agency has come under some major fire and there was the question of whether they could keep their charter. That question was answered in ‘Deep Silence’ and left the reader, at least this reader, looking forward to the next book.


If an epilogue is used correctly it can be a great asset. But if not . . .  It can leave the reader feeling cheated.




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For The Right Reason #MFRWauthor

MFRWauthors 52 Week Blog Challenge

Contests are wonderful things, especially when you win. 🙂 Entering a writing contest can be beneficial if you’re doing it for the right reason.


Striving to win the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is admirable, but shouldn’t be your only motivation. Does the contest offer feedback on entries?Is the contest held by a reputable company? Are you seeking fame and fortune or just the experience?


A few years ago, while I was working on my graduate degree, we were tasked with finding writing contests. Some of the major networks offered internships as a prize and a chance to write for a new show or join an existing one. How cool would that be to write for one ‘Blacklist’ or ‘MacGyver?’ Better yet to create your own show and have it in a prime time slot for the summer? But on the downside of something that huge and momentous, would be leaving family and friends for something unknown. I know writing scripts and screenplays isn’t the same as writing a romance novel, but the contests are still very similar.


Some require a small entry fee, a polished manuscript, and a lot of mail stalking. I’ve entered contests and have judged contests and have marveled  at the skill of some of the entries. When I judged a contest some time ago, I was humbled at the talent of the authors. One of the hardest things I ever did was turn a wonderful story away because of glaring grammatical errors. I am not a grammar snob, but when simple typographical errors and such pull me from a story, it’s bad.


I have yet to win or even place in a writing contest. Truthfully, I’ve been so out of touch with fellow writers, publishers, and the like  that I couldn’t even tell you what’s hot or not in the industry.


What I can tell you is to do your research before you enter a contest. If the prize seems too good to be true, it probably is and for the love of writing, submit your very best work and that means more than the computer’s spellcheck.


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How to overcome or accept a bad review #MFRWauthor

Someone posting “this story sucks.” Does not constitute a bad review. Explaining what about the story sucked and why it did is more helpful. Just saying you disliked a story because it wasn’t your cup of tea leaves a lot to be desired.


So if you’re ready to take the plunge and read reviews, I have three sure-fire ways to overcome and/or accept a bad review. 


Ignorance is Bliss- What you don’t know can’t hurt you.


  1. For the love of ink, Do NOT read reviews.


One of the very first reviews I ever received was negative. The person called my character weak, and unable to handle anything life threw at her. There were a few other things that were said, but I’ve forgotten. Then I’ve had reviews criticizing the amount of sex, even when the book description states “contains descriptions of explicit sex.” Hello! That line alone means the upcoming read is nowhere near sweet (nothing more than a chaste kiss happens) and you may want to select a different book.


Of course, I know some authors who read every review they receive, good, bad or indifferent. My skin is not that thick and at the end of the day. I’m still going to write the story of my heart.


Grab a tall glass of your favorite drink. I suggest a shot of liquor or three. My go to is a pitcher of margaritas. Now that we’ve got some liquid courage let’s go.


2 Stay objective - In other words, don’t take it personally.

A good reviewer will know how to keep their comments on the story, without attacking the author. A reviewer should be able to say what was liked or disliked about the plot, characters, and whatever else and why it made s/he feel the way it did. 


I know the story is your baby and blood, sweat, and many tears have been shed for the sake of getting the scene just right, but don’t take it personally when the reviewer trashes your hard work.


  1. Opinions are like Bellybuttons


Unless you were created from clay, you have a bellybutton and just like bellybuttons, everyone has an opinion. If you see one out of ten reviews that are bad, it’s one person’s opinion. Now if you see a trend where each reviewer says the same thing, i.e. good plot, but the heroine was TSTL (too stupid to live) Then you may want to re-evaluate how much depth you’re putting into your character.


When all is said and done. even the big time Best Selling Authors get bad reviews. Don’t believe me, go check out James Patterson, Diane Mott Davidson, F. Paul Wilson, or Christine Feehan. Their fans can be brutal. And if that’s not enough to mollify a bad review, there’s always tequila.

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