Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Seconds and Cents #MFRWauthor
#MFRWauthor Lynn Chantale

Seconds and Cents #MFRWauthor

What if time and money were not an issue? This is like asking what would one do if one won the jackpot in the lottery. The possibilities. For me, time isn’t an issue. There’s enough time in the day to do the things needed or which I like to do. However, if I had enough money to do what I wanted . . .  


I would travel on a regular basis. at least once a month or every other month to see my family in Michigan.


My family would be provided for, and those who have issues handling finances would have their bills paid and receive a stipend.

I’d build a house.

Clean up my credit.


But that’s easy and simple. To provide a legacy I would advocate for better services for mental health. This isn’t just a reference to someone dealing with #depression, #anxiety, personality disorders, or the like, but to anyone who needs a mental health break. This could be the family of special needs children, single parents overwhelmed with life, active service members and/or their families dealing with yet another assignment or deployment, children and adults suffering from #PTSD arising from abuse, neglect, bullying, or any other trauma.


I’d also like to provide a safe place for transient or the homeless. In SWFL there is a high population of both.


There’s a church in Columbus, OH, Church for All People, that provides an interesting and unique outreach. It’s more than providing a hot meal. This church has managed to provide clothing, housing. medical services, including medication, as well as food for no cost to those who truly need it. If money and time were no issue, that’s would I would do. 


#LynnChantale #Love #World #Hope

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