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Pinning Casanova #MFRWhooks

Pinning Casanova #MFRWhooks

Benjamin Douglas or Sir Casanova had a reputation to live up to, known for tossing roses to beautiful women in the audience and stealing a smooch or two on the way in or out of the ring, well its all part of the act. Many believe the hype of his philandering when he’s away from his 10 y/o daughter, including his next door neighbor Serena Jameson.  


Serena Jameson has had a crush on the single dad since she saw him tumbling with his daughter in the backyard, but she knows his altar ego is a playboy, yet her heart tells her it’s all an act. After he treats his daughter like the treasure she is, still Serena can’t get past the womanizing image. Yet she gives him a chance.


When an unexpected visitor emerges from Ben’s past the challenges faced will put their relationship to the test. Will the couple have a chance to endure to the last bell or will one tap out before the match has even begun? 


“Is he really going to take the challenge?” Becca whispered, eyes wide.

“What challenge, honey?”

“The Bear Hug Challenge. My dad’s never done one before and, well, Grizzly wrestles big black bears up north in the forests somewhere. I don’t want him to hurt my dad.”

Serena bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. She knew most of the moves and holds didn’t hurt, but accidents did happen. “Did your dad talk to you before the match?”

A quick nod set the riot of sandy curls into motion.

“Then you know Grizzly won’t really try to hurt your dad.”

Becca’s shoulders met her ears, then sagged as she blew out a breath. “Okay. Just checking. I worry about him.”

She squeezed the girl’s shoulder. “I understand.”

The two men circled one another before grappling, ending in a collar and elbow tie up, one hand on the back of the neck while the other gripped the elbow. Casanova wiggled free and twisted Grizzly’s arm behind his back, then ran him into one corner of the ring. Once there he hopped on the second rope, still holding the man’s arm, viciously twisting until Grizzly howled.



Love Smack Down Series

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What? #MFRWhooks

What? #MFRWhooks

Alexa has always followed her heart, but when her feelings lead her to bed The Tag Team of Perfect Storm, well she’s in heaven, until another wrestler threatens the happy balance.

Tono and Daniel, known as Perfect Storm, don't mind sharing Alexa. In fact, they’ve embraced all the pleasure a threesome will bring. When a heel, Virgil, decides to interfere, well the guys will just have to show him why they're the champions.


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She cleaned the worst of the alcohol from her dress, thankful the garment was navy and not the cream-colored silk she’d planned to wear. Alexa fluffed her hair, reapplied the strawberry flavored lip gloss she favored, and exited the bathroom.


The corners of her mouth curved upward. Two sexy men couldn’t wait to get her out of her dress. Quite frankly, she yearned to be between their two hard bodies. She sucked in a breath as desire pulsed at her clit and moisture dampened her panties.


She quickened her steps, her heels clicking against the aged tile. Already she was thinking of a shower with the men. The heat of their mouths on her body while the warm spray pounded her flesh. Or maybe the whirlpool tub. A sigh slipped past her lips. Or maybe...


“Oh!” She bounced off a hard chest and stumbled a few paces back. “Sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”


A rough hand seized her arm, steadying her, but his grip lingered longer than necessary. “No problem. I wanted to run into you.”


Alexa snapped her gaze to the man’s face and groaned. Not him. Of all the people she could’ve run into, she'd collided with a lascivious jerk. “Yeah. Whatever.” She snatched her arm from his grasp.


“What’s the matter? Need a real man in your bed?” His words slurred a bit and she wrinkled her nose as she caught a whiff of the alcohol on his breath.


“Already have one.” She moved forward and he blocked her path. “Really?”


His brows knitted together and he pursed his lips. “You are such a stuck-up bitch.”


She hesitated. The malice in his voice caught her off-guard. “Wh-what?”


“You think I didn’t see you groping Lightning, and then Thunder shoves his tongue down your throat.” He looked her up and down a speculative gleam in his eyes. “So what’s the going rate for someone like you. One, two hundred bucks?”


If she’d had something to throw in his face she would have. Instead, she did the next best thing. His head snapped to the side as she laid the flat of her palm across his cheek. Her hand stung from the contact, but it was so worth the pain. The slap echoed above the momentary lull in music.


“Don’t you ever speak to me like that again,” she snapped and edged past him.


Virgil lunged for her and, before she could react, strong arms encircled her waist and moved her out of harm’s way. Daniel squeezed through the narrowed opening and shoved the other man back. Alexa stared up into Tono’s rugged face, dark with anger.


“I take my eyes off you for two seconds and you’reagain.”

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Love’s Submission #MFRWhooks

Love’s Submission #MFRWhooks

Hearts and trust were never meant to be broken and Kalista wants to see BJ suffer; but she can’t deny that the attraction and love is still there. Maybe giving him another chance wouldn’t be so bad, if she didn’t have someone else.

From the moment BJ met Kalista, he knew she was the one for him, but too much alcohol and a bad decision left him on the outside looking in. Now, he’ll do anything to make up for the pain he’s caused her. All he needs is a chance to prove he’s worthy of her trust and love again.

And if that means challenging her current suitor...then let the best man win.



BJ noted the flicker of annoyance in Kalista’s eyes before her lips drooped downward. Interesting. He wasn’t sure if she was upset about Janice’s suggestion or just ready for this to be over.


He held up a hand. “I think I can take it from here. If I need anything else, I’ll call.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Janice nodded. “Very well. I’ll be in my office.” She closed the door behind her.

“Are you sleeping with her?” Kalista pounced as soon as the other woman left.

“No.” BJ held her gaze, hoping she’d see the truth in his eyes. His entire focus was on proving he could be trusted again. Despite his total lapse in judgment, Kalista had to know she was the only woman he wanted.

“Why do I even bother?” She spun on her heel.

He grabbed her by the arm and hauled her close.


He dropped his face to within mere inches from hers. “Because you still love me. Don’t bother denying it, Kalista. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t try so hard to make my life miserable. There is something you need to understand about this situation. We will always be in each other’s lives because of our daughter. I want to be civil. I don’t want to fight.

“I’m not even asking for your forgiveness, because you’re not ready to give it and I don’t think I deserve it. But we do need to come to some sort of agreement right here and now. We can either rebuild what we had or we can work through a mediator regarding Sydney.”

A flare of emotion he couldn’t quite decipher flickered in her soft chocolate depths. He released her and put space between them. “I don’t want to shut you out by using lawyers, but so help me I will.”

She had to understand how much this entire situation pained him. He had to do something to not only protect his assists, but if they couldn’t work things out, his heart as well.

“You think threatening me is the best way to get what you want? To help fix us?” She scoffed. “You are such a hypocrite.”

“No, I don’t, but like you, I don’t want to hurt anymore either. Seeing you, watching you frown, not being in the same house with you, not having you in my bed, hurts.  Knowing I’ve made you cry breaks my heart. I have no one to blame but myself.” He searched her face, noting the fine sheen of tears she quickly blinked away. “Tell me what you want from me, Kali. I thought time would help, but…” He blew out a breath and waited.

Silence stretched between them. Despite his words to her, BJ would wait forever for her answer, if that’s what it took. He didn’t like the thought of never seeing Kalista again, but he had to pick up the pieces of his heart as well and bear the burden of having broken hers.

Love Smack Down Series

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