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Tag Archives: #MFRWauthor

Sex, Lies, and Joysticks #MFRWhooks

Coming Soon!

For the first time in a long time, Randa Arnold is happy beyond measure. She has the love of her husband, Linc and her paramour Matteo. After the fulfillment of a mutual sex fantasy and an unbelievable night of passion her world is turned upside down.


Lincoln never expected his wife to fall in love with another man, even though he knew that was a possibility. He loves his wife, but just can't wrap his mind around her emotionally attached to someone else, so he does the only thing he can, he forces Matteo to leave.


Forcing Matteo to leave has some unexpected consequences. Randa is despondent, yet keeps a brave face. This only intensifies Linc's sense of guilt. If that weren't enough, someone is threatening his wife. His only chance at redemption and to get to the bottom of the threat is to bring Matteo back. Only one problem, the man can't be found.


He glanced up in time to see Randa step through the sliding glass patio doors. She offered him a wide smile as she skipped across the redwood planks, stumbled at the top of the stairs, and pitched forward. She let out a shriek, her arms windmilling, and grabbed for the handrail only to miss. Lincoln sprinted forward and seized her before she could hit the hard paving stones.

He held her close, his heart pounding as she clutched at his shoulders. She was breathing hard.

“That could’ve been bad.” He smoothed a hand over her hair and stared at her face.

Randa licked her lips and exhaled a ragged breath. “Indeed.”

“Are you okay?”

She maintained his gaze. “Now that you’re here.”

“Good.” He carefully set her on her feet, looked her over, and found the culprit to her fall. An untied shoelace. “Hold still a moment.” He squatted, lifted her right foot, and rested the extremity on his thigh as he tied her shoe. She placed a hand on his shoulder to maintain her balance.

He lingered on her foot, tracing the exposed skin around her ankle. The sharp inhale from above was enough to tighten his groin and instill a sense of urgency to get her to his special spot.

Lincoln placed her foot back on the ground and stood, dusting off his jeans. He allowed his gaze to drift down her body. Randa visibly trembled beneath his scrutiny. He smirked. The woman—his woman—was all soft curves and voluptuous perfection.

“I love when you look at me like that.” Her voice had a breathless quality to it, and it hardened his dick to a painful throb.

“Like what?”

“Like you want to gobble me whole.”

He drew her near. So close her breasts pressed against his chest with every breath she exhaled. Good thing they would be alone and uninterrupted for what he had in mind.



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Fear or failure? #MFRWauthor

Fear is not an option- is probably one of the best lines from the movie True Lies. After all, does a spy really pee his pants when he sees a gun? Or has a lipstick held under his chin?


There’s some sort of proverb that says courage isn’t about being brave but being brave enough to face one’s fears, or something along those lines. Fear is such a small word, but it can have a huge impact of one’s life and the loves of others. Fear has a way  of turning into bitterness, envy, and hatred. DOn’t believe me, look at history for examples. The Spanish wanted gold. Men feared black men were too affluent and powerful in their homeland, so the foreigners decided to make them less than human. Look at any war and somewhere in there fear plays a role.


Fear of losing something can cause you to hold onto so tightly to what you have that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to hold on to it.

Fear of failure. You’ve heard the stories of some famous writers receiving hundreds of rejections before they finally hit it big. Hershey went bankrupt several times before he became famous, Ben Franklin found hundreds of ways to not make a lightbulb before he finally made a lightbulb. Harriet Tubman ferried dozens of slaves to freedom, Maya Angelou continued to rise and Aretha earned Respect. in an era where there was a color line.

So what would’ve happened if these famous figures allowed their fears to rule hater lives? I shudder to think of the alternatives.

Someone else would step in and we’d still have electricity. freedom. poetry and music or would we?

Fear of failure, I deal with it everyday. One day I’ll say I’m mostly blind. Do you know how disconcerting it is to walk less than a foot from busy traffic  with only a dog as a guide? Or to walk in an unknown space with only a stick to navigate whatever obstacles may lay in wait? Or perhaps the unthinkable happens and you’re hit by a car while walking home from the gym.  Or Maybe things didn’t go well with a relationship and now what, never look for love again?

Many times we miss out on blessings because we’re so wrapped up in fear. Some fear is healthy like sticking your hand in the fire or choosing to park beneath a light in a parking lot if you’re alone, not walking down a dark alley in an unknown neighborhood. Or my personal favorite hiding in the bathroom when the monster is coming for you. Um don’t hide go outside and get amongst some people.  Sorry, I digress.

If we allow fear to rule our lives we’d never know what it’s like to overcome, to be great, to be courageous. To love. Fear is just another way to give up and not try again. I face my fears everyday and I’m better for it. Can you say the same?

Fear is not an option.




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Homework Bot #MFRWauthor

Did you know you can make a cookie sheet from aluminum foil? OR who knew that pipe cleaners would be a craft item that everyone loves to twist and shape What is that saying about desperation being the mother of all invention? Or is it inspiration? Either way someone needed something that wasn’t available and that person made it, then shared it with others.

Planes, trains, boats, hammers, screws and nails. Even something as rudimentary as the wheel has been invented. We have mobile devices, coat hangers, robots that build cars, can assist or completely do some types of surgery, and my personal favorite chocolate. But what in the world can be invented that hasn’t been invented already?


A homework help bot . This would be a robot specifically designed to help a child with his/her homework. This is more than just a computer, it’s geared towards the child and the best way to approach learning. This was something my youngest son came up with when he was in middle school. He always had so much homework and I was unable to help with certain subjects because it had to be done in a particular way. I could get an answer, but it wasn’t the way his teacher showed him and it was not the way I was taught. After all, when I was in school, Pluto was a planet.


So to encourage him the best way I could I told him he could invent a robot that would help with homework and make learning not only fun but easier on all involved. Do you know how hard it is to remember the quadratic equation when it’s not something used everyday. The average person isn’t concerned about rise over run or 2a+b=c

Now if someone would invent a way to bring what’s directly in my brain to the page, writing would go so much faster.

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