Moses Hawke has loved Sin from the moment he laid eyes on her, but being with her cost him a good friend and valuable partnership.
Sin knows what Moses sacrificed to be with her and she’s willing to keep a few secrets of her own to maintain their peaceful existence.
Some things are not meant to be hidden and when all Sin’s transgressions become known, she’s left to wonder if Moses will still be there to protect her.
“Ten thousand dollars?” Moses Hawke dragged his fingers through his shoulder length hair. He resisted the urge to hurl his cellphone. This was not the news he wanted to hear from his accountant. “Explain to me how someone walks into the bank and leaves with ten grand. Of my money?”
“Well, I’m working on it.”
“I don’t want you working on it. I want it handled. There’s paperwork involved when you take out or deposit that amount of cash. I want to know who took my money. Those funds were earmarked for Saturday’s Back to the Bricks’ Slamfest. I want it back.”
“All right, Moses. I’ll wake the bank manager if I have to.”
“You’ll wake the bank president, Julius. I do a lot of business with that bank and they manage a great deal of my funds. If they can’t find who did this then tell them there are other financial institutions just begging for my business. Got that?”
Heavy breathing and faint scratching sounded through the line.
“And Julius?”
“You can be replaced.” Moses pressed “End” and tossed his phone on his desk. Just what he needed, more drama. First Virgil decides to attack his tag team’s woman and now this. Speaking of which, he needed to make sure the check was ready when that heel decided to drag his sorry ass in to get his money.
He raked his fingers through his already disheveled hair and huffed. What else could go wrong? Light taps rattled the frosted glass on the office door. About time. He bent over the desk to retrieve the folder containing the check and contract for Virgil.
“C’min,” Moses called.
The knob jangled and the hinges creaked. Perfume, a subtle blend of rose and citrus caressed his senses, tightened his groan and knotted his stomach. Definitely not Virgil. High heels clicked across the threshold, followed by the soft rustle of clothing.
No. This could not be happening to him tonight. She wasn’t supposed to be here. He closed his eyes and willed his body under control, but the sweet scent of her fragrance left him a little dizzy.
Interesting. Who has the money?