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Tag Archives: #MFRWauthor

5 pounds #MFRWauthor

We survived the holidays, now we’re in the weight loss mode Spring break is near and summer is just around the corner. So how strict of a diet do you have to fit into that sleek summer swimsuit?


That all depends on what your true goal is. If it’s just to lose a few extra pounds, cutting back on fattening foods, like anything fried, and upping the raw veggies and fruit will go a long way to helping you achieve your goal. And don’t forget the water. Drink lots of water.


But what if you’re like me and want to lose weight for overall health and well-being? This requires a lifestyle change.


Consistent workouts in the gym accompanied with changing how I eat is crucial. Consider this, it takes longer to gain weight than it does to lose it. With concentrated effort one can lose nearly a 100 pounce if not mood in a year.


Recently, I was diagnosed pre-diabetic. This isn’t something that runs in my family, so it came as quite a surprise. Hopefully, with the changes I’ve made, eliminating dairy, eating little meat, and eating lots of raw fruits and veggies, I’ll see better numbers in April when I go back for my check-up.


Oh and not to mention working out a minimum of three days a week. This doesn’t include walking the dog.


So whether the goal is five pounds or fifty, the approach should be the same. Do it for yourself, and overall well-being.



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Outside Comfort Zone #MFRWauthor

Sometimes you have to read a lot of what you don’t like in order to learn what you do like. Most of you know I enjoy a good mystery, or some sort of suspense/thriller/horror. But I’m also into paranormal, occult and historical reads. I’ve even read a few gay/lesbian books. So what is outside my comfort zone?


Anything that is super gruesome, and just plain disgusting. For me that was reading about a character and her lover playing with feces and then smearing it on each other’s genitals And I think there was a scene in one of James Patterson’s books regarding a snake and milk


The first scene was just  no. And not to mention the health issues that could accompany playing in the poo, and smearing it where it doesn’t belong… Yeah, I know it’s fiction, but no. And the second scene,  was to show how depraved the villain was and how much he enjoyed torturing the women he captured.


There’s not too much that makes me squeamish as I like to test some of the rules in my writing. I’m sure there are plenty of scenes I’ve written there someone would react the same way.



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Politics #MFRWauthor

I had to chuckle at this week’s prompt. Can you talk politics with family and friends? Politics seems to be the only topic the last four years. I can talk politics with some of my family and friends, as long as they share the same views. However talking politics with my DIL’s mother is not advisable.


What views I have, many know I’m not a Trump supporter. I don’t like his rhetoric, or his talent for bullying people into what he wants done. He runs or ran his businesses the same way. He has no problem hurting the little guy in order to save as much money as possible. Don’t believe me? He said as much during the debates.  He exploited as many tax loopholes as possible to avoid paying taxes. He would file bankruptcy to avoid paying mom and pop businesses for work they’d done for him. The last was told to me by a young man whose grandparents were put out of business by Mr. Trump’s antics.


Hopefully the next election will provide us with better candidates. People who value the intellect, and diversity of the American people. Candidates who understand that All men were created equal and that one group or class isn’t better than another. Someone who can bring the country together again while driving us forward without rhetoric, or bullying, or just plain ineptitude.

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